Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Poll: Obama Leads McCain in the Battleground States

The new poll came out today which shows Obama has taken an early lead over McCain in all of the three states often described as the key battleground: Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Keep in mind, this is the first time Obama has lead McCain in all three states.

Quinnipiac University's Poll results:

Obama: 47%
McCain: 43%

Obama: 48%
McCain: 42%

Obama: 52%
McCain: 40%

According to the poll, Obama holds convincing leads (between 10-23 points) among women in all three states and a double digit lead among young voters. While the Democrats are trailing among white men, the African-American support tops 90% and offsets the losses among this demographic group.

How should you read these results? An Obama landslide in November, barring any major scandals/revelations.


Ryan said...

Don't be overly optimistic yet. Those first two are close enough to be near or within margins of error. It's also June. Kerry was well ahead of Bush in the polls during the summer.

Anonymous said...

...and the Obama-mystique is bound to wane given the inevitable (and in most cases unavoidable, understandable, disappointing) changes/reversals/amendments/caveats/
equivocations of policy positions and campaign methods...

Cyril Crozier said...

I don't think there will be any October suprises concerning Obama, rather, I see the inverse happening.

Instead of losing the center because of revelations of some "radical" past, I think he will lose some of his base as he panders to the center and the right.

Still, I think an Obama victory is not unlikely, seeing just how unpopular the Republican party is at the moment.