Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary's Brilliance

Well, I give credit where credit is due, and tonight, Hillary was great. She tapped into her supporters' immense support, and then gradually channeled it into her unconditional support for Obama. I think her speech echoed the video showed by Chelsea as she introduced her mother. The video opened with shots from Hillary's childhood, went on to talk about her campaign, and then blended into images of Obama (first Obama and Hillary and then Obama by himself). Similarly, in the speech, she opened with her own campaign, and tied it into Barack's story, warning her supporters (it seemed to me very genuinely) that this "is not a time to stand on the side-lines."

I think that there will always be some of her supporters who won't support Barack, but I think tonight is certainly a turning point. It is interesting that the Fox News website is not even headlining her speech (like all other major networks, including the BBC). That in itself is evidence to how successful the Democrats have been tonight in uniting.

Bill still worries me. He was on the floor tonight, looking on admiringly to Hillary. More about that tomorrow after his big speech.

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