Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Call me a sap, but I was moved to tears as Hillary Clinton stood with her New York delegation and officially put a stop to a roll-call vote, and moved to nominate Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee for the President of the United States. As she uttered these words, the convention hall went into what it seemed like a delirious uproar. Of course, this was carefully orchestrated, but Pelosi's gavel really opened a new chapter in this country's history. As they showed many African-American delegates breaking down on camera, trying through tears to express their joy and hope for a better America, I realized how great the Democrats can be.

I was reminded of Hubert Humphrey's attempt to get the civil rights agenda adopted as the official Democratic platform in the immediate post WWII years; Lyndon Johnson's work for the passage of the Civil Rights Act; and the significance of Bill Clinton's presidency in advancing Civil Rights.

This is one of those days when I truly feel proud to be a Democrat.

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